Evren Daglarli earned B.Sc. degree in 2004. He received a M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics Engineering with focus on Intelligent Systems and Robotics at ITU in 2007. He received a Ph.D. degree in Control and Automation Engineering with focus on Computational Cognitive-Neuroscience, Human-Robot Interaction at ITU in 2019. He worked as a research assistant at Atilim University, department of Electrical-Electronics engineering. He have many publications which are published in international journals, conferances/symposiums related with mechatronics, intelligent control systems and robotic areas. As a researcher, he took some duties and resposibilities in several national / international projects. He worked as a Project Engineer and also later department manager at a private sector technology and engineering company. He is a member of IEEE, ACM and ASME. Now he is working as a Faculty member, Lecturer/Instructor in Faculty of Computer and Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering department at Istanbul Technical University.
Specialties: Researcher (Robotic / AI Agent Architect) :
- Computational Cognitive-Neuroscience / Brain Inspired Cognitive Architectures
- Artificial General Intelligence (Path/Task Planning / Navigation, Problem Solving, NLP, Search Algorithms)
- Machine Learning (Pattern Recognition, Deep Learning, POMDP, GA, Fuzzy Sys.)
- Human-Robot Interaction, Autonomous Systems / Mechatronic Systems (UAV & UGV, Humanoids)
- Vision (image, depth, video stream) / Audio (Speech, Sound Localization), Digital Signal Processing, Sensor Data Fusion.
Developer Activities:
- C/C++ , C#, .NET, Java, Python, Matlab
- MS Visual Studio, NetBeans, Eclipse, QT-Creator, MonoDevelop, Code::Blocks - IDE, Xilinx ISE - IDE Platforms
Digital System Design (HW&SW) Activities :
- Embedded Development Platforms
- Arm-Cortex Based Microprocessor Cards, Xilinx FPGA Embedded Platforms
- Real-Time Operating Sys. (RT-Linux, Vx-Works, Windows Embedded)
- Robot Operating System (ROS)