Fatih EREN is an Associate Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Architecture. He completed his PhD on the internationalization process of the Istanbul real estate market at the University of Sheffield between 2007-2013. He worked as the Director of the Center for Urban Studies at the Center for Strategic Research and Analysis (CESRAN), an international think tank based in the UK, between 2010-2016. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Architecture and Planning (ICONARP), of which he was one of the founders, for two years. He has more than 20 years of experience as an academician in the higher education sector and has been involved in many public and private sector supported research and development projects as a coordinator, manager, researcher and consultant. In the projects he undertakes, he frequently resorts to experimental and innovative methods such as developing original mobile applications, experiencing augmented reality technology, constructing original psychometric tests, and developing innovative learning station models. His areas of expertise and interest are Urban and Regional Planning, Property Market, Real Estate Studies, Platform Urbanism, Digital Twin City, and Urban Acupuncture.
E-mail Address: feren@itu.edu.tr