I am currently an Assoc. Prof. in Computer Engineering Department in Istanbul Technical University. Previously, I was a Research Associate in Biomedical Engineering Department of King's College London. I have finished my Ph.D. on Computer, Decision and Systems Science at IMT School for Advanced Studies, a meritocratic post-graduate school in Tuscany in which only the top 2% of candidates are accepted. During my Phd. In 2017, I worked as a visiting researcher in IDCOM lab of The University of Edinburgh. In 2016, I was a postgraduate fellow at Diagnostic Radiology Department of Yale University. My main research interests are in image segmentation, image registration and machine learning, with a certain focus on medical image analysis. My Ph.D. studies focused on cardiac phase resolved Blood-Oxygen-Level-Dependent (BOLD) MR images. Currently, I work on automatic cardiac MR quality assessment and robust cardiac MR reconstruction techniques within International Fellowship for Outstanding Researchers Programme. Personal website