Mustafa OZER has currently an assistant Professor at Mineral Processing Department of ITU. He obtained his PhD in Mining Engineering-Mineral Processing, in 2012 from Istanbul Technical University; “Determination of Roasting Characteristics of Complex Sulphide Material Containing Colourful Metal”. He has been at University of Pittsburgh as a visitor researcher about coal conversion technologies in 2015.
He has expertise in coal processing, coal technologies, mineral processing and recovery of critical materials from ores wastes and waste management. He actively participated in 76 projects, 6 of which are research projects and 70 of which are industrial projects, about these subjects.
He has 116 papers, 15 of which are published SCI journals, and 101 of which published and presented in various scientific meeting. He is the first author of chapter on lightweight “Effect of Coal Nature on The Gasification Process” published by Elsevier Science & Technology as a book “Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle ,(IGCC) Technologies”. He is also the first author of a review paper tittled “Coal-agglomeration Processes” in International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization. He is currently working active at Mineral Processing Engineering Department of ITU and lectures COAL TECHNOLOGY.