@inproceedings{inproceedings, author = {Gündüz Esra Nur,KARATOYUN ALPER,Uyan Betül,ERHAN HALİL}, title = {A Proposal of AI-Powered HCI System to Enhance Spatial Design Creativity: InSpace}, year = 2024, pages = {307-323}, month = 7, volume = 14688 }
Yayın ile ilgili açıklama girilmemiştir.
@article{article, author = {UYAN BETÜL, YAZICI SEVİL}, title = {A Method for Decoding and Representing Time in Fourdimensional Spaces via Digital Game Environment}, journal = {Journal of Computational Design}, year = 2023, number = 4, pages = {99-120}, month = 3, volume = 1 }
@inproceedings{inproceedings, author = {UYAN BETÜL}, title = {Disjunction of Digital Game Spaces}, year = 2022, month = 6 }