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European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance


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The Social Science Garage Emergency Workshop for Engineers is designed to familiarize attendants with fundamental concepts and frameworks in the Social Sciences. That knowledge is indispensable for improving the impact and effectiveness of engineering projects that have a social objective. Furthermore, to stress the ability to think holistically about the problems addressed by engineers, seeking to promote awareness of the role of different engineering fields in the search for solutions to the social problems stated in the SDGs. Ultimately, to foster creative, innovative and critical thinking skills that will enhance student awareness of societal issues.


Diğer, Uluslararası İlişkiler Kuramları, Küresel Güney, Sömürgecilik Karşıtı Hareketler,


Avrupa Birliği Erasmus+ Programı “Ana Eylem-2 Yenilik ve İyi Uygulamaların Değişimi için İşbirliği – Avrupa Üniversiteleri” çağrısı


Diğer, Güvenlik Siyaseti, Askeri Alanda Devrim, Risk Analizi, Senaryo Planlaması,


DeColonizing International Relations Theory Visiting Scholar University of Minnesota Department of Political Science and the Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change 2016-2017


Temporality of world politics is to a large extent a neglected story in the analyses of global politics within the discipline of IR Contemporary developments in global political life most prominently the increasing speed in global transactions and the transformation in security practices towards pre emptive action started to change this overall tendency however with growing number of scholars taking an interest in not only the temporal dimension of global politics but also the assumptions about time informing disciplinary analyses Yet what is overlooked in these nascent discussions is a conception of politics of time that is distinct from the two senses in which it is predominantly deployed a politics of time that revolves around phenomenological experience of time and a politics of time figured as the de construction of totalizing temporal narratives I draw on historical materialist accounts to explore a different sense of a politics of time a politics that takes as its object the structure of time that mediates social experience This discussion will lay the groundwork for elaborating the stakes entailed in such a reformulation of politics of time namely the question of the future


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Siyaset Bilimi (TÜBİTAK BİDEB 2216)


ITU Cambridge Minnesota Universiteleri Ortak Konferansi Dismantling Security