
The prevalence of technology addiction has emerged as a global concern of increasing significance in recent years. This phenomenon is observed across a diverse spectrum of socioeconomic groups, especially among younger population. The harmful use of technology and its negative effects on young people have also found their way into EU documents. The European Parliament's report, published in 2019, focuses directly on this issue, defines the problem and proposes solutions. As mentioned in the relevant report, the proposed solutions include "promoting and disseminating applied research and information on responsible internet use and prevention" and "promoting and educating on online and offline health behaviours in young populations" (European Parliament, 2019). The Technological Wellness Among Young People (TechWell) Project aims to address this issue by offering an innovative training programme.


Proje, AB bütünleşmesi ve AB-Türkiye ilişkileri konusunda farkındalık yaratmayı amaçlamaktadır.


The Project seeks to enhance inclusivity of entrepreneurship education and support programmes with the intent to increase the share of female graduate entrepreneurs and enhance their level of embeddedness in regional entrepreneurial ecosystems across Europe.


The SME Cluster Growth project aims at empowering SMEs in the engineering sector to ensure their maturation and stable growth by equipping them with horizontal skills and knowledge. This will be achieved via a collaborative effort of higher education institutions (HEIs), future skills and business growth professionals and university-industry relationship experts that will respectively contribute to the advancement of SMEs’ operational, attitudinal and adaptive capacities. The aim of the project is to equip SMEs with horizontal skills and knowledge so that to ensure their stable maturation and growth by drawing HEIs and business professionals to develop and support (i) SME cluster growth training, (ii) student business consulting, (iii) cross-border mobility and facility sharing and (iv) regional growth stakeholder community building activities.


The STEM Valorise project will target technical universities and their first stage STEM researchers located in partner countries. It will offer critical insights into valorisation in STEM as well as provide educational means for HEIs to train their STEM researchers in valorisation and entrepreneurship. By raising entrepreneurial competences of researchers, the project will ultimately develop a new generation of STEM researchers empowered to make a stronger impact on society through the valorisation of their research. The project aims to develop STEM valorisation capabilities within HEIs at a European level owing to the interrelated nature of research networks within European countries.


European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) is the first alliance of Higher Education Institutions (graduate engineering schools, technology universities and full-spectrum universities) from different countries in Europe meant to define and implement a common model of European engineer rooted in society.


The Boundary Spanners Development Programme aims to break down the engagement barriers between the universities and their regional/ national/ international business stakeholders by enabling the boundary spanning skills of the higher education faculty, staff, and leadership. We believe that people are the most crucial factor in the transferring of knowledge and innovation across institutions, mobilising resources, triggering organisational change, and making an economic and societal impact in their regions. Ultimately, we aim to create “champions” and bridge the skills and knowledge gap.


Üniversitelerde girişimcilik sertifika programı oluşturulması ve yürütülmesi