Güney Grubu Sürdürülebilir Su Kaynakları Koruması ve Yönetimi
Proje Tipi : Özel Kuruluşlar, Proje Bütçesi : ₺ 450.000,00, 1 Ocak 2024, 15 Kasım 2024
Hidrolojik ve Hidrojeolojik modelleme
Coseismic landslides and cascading hazards of the Feb 6, 2023 Turkiye earthquake: Preliminary database development and modeling analysis
Proje Tipi : Diğer (Uluslararası), Proje Bütçesi : $ 120.000,00, 27 Mayıs 2023
NASA - NNH22ZDA001N-RRNES:A.24 Rapid Response and Novel Research in Earth Science
(Grant 22-RRNES22-0010)
Yağmursuyu ve Gri Suyun Geri Kazanımında Denetimli Öğrenme Temelli Yapay Sinir Ağları Destekli Yönetim Sistemi Geliştirilmesi
Proje Tipi : Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi, Proje Bütçesi : ₺ 299.122,56, 30 Haziran 2022
Proje ile ilgili açıklama girilmemiştir.
Hidrolojik modellerde farklı belirsizlik kaynaklarının modelin taşkın ve kuraklık benzetim başarımına etkisi (118C020)
Proje Tipi : Diğer (Ulusal), Proje Bütçesi : ₺ 84.500,00, 2 Mayıs 2018, 5 Mart 2020
2232 Uluslararası Lider Araştırmacılar Programı
SPACE Project SPAtial Calibration and Evaluation in distributed hydrological modeling using satellite remote sensing data (funded by Villum Foundation)
Proje Tipi : Diğer (Uluslararası), Proje Bütçesi : € 930.000,00, 1 Ağustos 2015, 25 Eylül 2018
Spatial Calibration and Evaluation in distributed hydrological modeling using satellite remote sensing data detaylar icin tiklayiniz http://space.geus.dk/funding/index.html
Comprehensive assessment of climate change impact on the hydrology and water resources of the Columbia River Basin (funded by US Department of Energy and PSU)
Proje Tipi : Diğer (Uluslararası), Proje Bütçesi : $ 400.000,00, 13 Aralık 2013, 30 Haziran 2015
The project is about comprehensive assessment of climate change impact on the hydrology and water resources of the Columbia River Basin with quantification of uncertainty in all layers of hydro climate modeling and projection The project is funded by Department of Energy DOE Bonneville Power Administration Portland Oregon
Seasonal and long term prediction of low flows in the Rhine basin (funded by dr.ir. Cornelis Lely stichting and Universiteit Twente)
Proje Tipi : Avrupa Birliği, Proje Bütçesi : € 160.000,00, 1 Ağustos 2008, 31 Aralık 2012
Low flows in rivers may result in several types of problems to society e g lack of water for drinking water supply irrigation industrial use and power production hindrance to navigation and deterioration of water quality It is expected that climate changes will to lead to drier summers in Western Europe and therefore possibly to more frequent and more severe low flows in rivers in the future Facing these problems it is crucial for low flow management that more accurate seasonal months and long term decades predictions of low flows become available The objective of this project is to contribute to the improvement of seasonal and long term prediction of low flows in the Rhine basin by analysing historical trends and estimating future trends of low flow generating mechanisms such as precipitation deficits groundwater discharge and snow melt and determining related low flows This will be done using data based methods such as statistical modelling time series analysis and trend analysis techniques output from climate and hydrological models and climatological hydrological and geographical data Results of the project include improved insight in low flow generating mechanisms in the Rhine basin for different seasons tools for seasonal and long term prediction of low flows and improved insight in climate change impacts on low Low flows in rivers may result in several types of problems to society e g lack of water for drinking water supply irrigation industrial use and power production hindrance to navigation and deterioration of water quality It is expected that climate changes will to lead to drier summers in Western Europe and therefore possibly to more frequent and more severe low flows in rivers in the future Facing these problems it is crucial for low flow management that more accurate seasonal months and long term decades predictions of low flows become available The objective of this project is to contribute to the improvement of seasonal and long term prediction of low flows in the Rhine basin by analysing historical trends and estimating future trends of low flow generating mechanisms such as precipitation deficits groundwater discharge and snow melt and determining related low flows This will be done using data based methods such as statistical modelling time series analysis and trend analysis techniques output from climate and hydrological models and climatological hydrological and geographical data Results of the project include improved insight in low flow generating mechanisms in the Rhine basin for different seasons tools for seasonal and long term prediction of low flows and improved insight in climate change impacts on low flows in the Rhine basin
Cluster Analysis of Streamflow Data over Turkey (funded by ITU)
Proje Tipi : Yükseköğretim Kurumları tarafından destekli bilimsel araştırma projesi, Proje Bütçesi : ₺ 3.000,00, 1 Aralık 2002, 29 Haziran 2004
Türkiye Akım Verilerinin Küme Analizi