
Proje çalışmasında, insanlı ve/veya insansız hava araçları üzerinde kullanılmaya elverişli ve hava platformunun yüksek ivmeli manevraları esnasında konumlama görevlerini hassas bir şekilde yerine getirebilen 2 serbestlik dercesine sahip bir konumlama sisteminin çevresel koşullara uygun bir şekilde tasarlanması ele alınacaktır. Üzerindeki faydalı yükü hassas olarak konumlayabilen ve hava taşıma platformunun yüksek ivmeli maveralarından en düşük düzeyde etkilenen iki eksenli konumlama sisteminin donanım yapısı, mekanik sistem, tahrik motorları ve sürücüleri, Elektronik Kontrol Ünitesi (EKÜ), seri haberleşme yapısı ile kablaj ve konektörlerden oluşmaktadır. Ayrıca iki eksenli konumla sistemi kontrol, test ve haberleşme yazılımlarına sahip olacaktır. Bu sistem ve alt-sitemler için donanım ve yazılım bileşenlerinin tasarlanması ve standartlara uyumlu olabilmesi için gereken analizlerin yapılması hedeflenmiştir.


Meme kanseri erken teshisi ve izlenmesi için yeni bir cihaz geliştirilmesi ve sertifikasyonu


Meme kanseri tedavisi ve görüntüleme


Mikrodalga Yeraltı Patlayıcı Tespit ve Görüntüleme Sistemi (MİLTES)"


EMERALD (ElectroMagnetic imaging for a novel genERation of medicAL Devices) is the coherent action of leading European engineering groups involved in electromagnetic (EM) technology for medical imaging to form a cohort of highlyskilled researchers capable of accelerating the translation of this technology “from research bench to patient bedside”. Nowadays, medical imaging technologies play a key role to face the ever-growing number of challenges due to aging populations, as they are the essential clinical tool to deliver accurate initial diagnosis and monitor the evolution of disease over time. For this reason, a whole range of new imaging modalities is currently being developed to supplement and support current modalities. Among these technologies, there is EM imaging, which involves the illumination of the portion of the body under Fields of science engineering and technology ? medical engineering ? diagnostic imaging Programme(s) H2020-EU.1.3. - EXCELLENT SCIENCE - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions MAIN PROGRAMME H2020-EU.1.3.1. - Fostering new skills by means of excellent initial training of researchers Topic(s) MSCA-ITN-2017 - Innovative Training Networks Call for proposal See other projects for this call Funding Scheme MSCA-ITN - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) investigation with low-power non-ionizing EM waves (in the microwave spectrum). The scientific objective pursued by the EMERALD action is to accelerate translation of research in EM medical imaging into clinical prototypes. To this end, EMERALD will establish a group of 13 outstanding early stage researchers who will be the European leaders in this field, through a unique scientific and training programme. The EMERALD trained researchers will drive the future developments of EM imaging technology, thanks to the targeted skills, they will attain, and their established connections with clinicians and stakeholders. The EMERALD consortium involves academic institutions, industrial partners, hospitals and university medical centers (as partner organizations). The success of EMERALD will ensure that all achieved innovative technological developments will be translated into benefits to the end user community and potentially taken


Elektromagnetik hipertermi ve uygulamaları


This action proposes to carry out research in open ended contact probe (OECP) technique to lay out foundation work for development of two new applications: an automated surgical margin detection device for breast cancer treatment and an automated microwave biopsy probe for breast cancer diagnosis. While the envisioned applications require a single and highly accurate measurement, OECP technique suffers from high error and low repeatability dielectric property measurements. The error mostly stems from the current mathematical approach utilized for the dielectric property retrieval which may converge to local minimum and can magnify the measurement set-up based errors. This research will first target the existing error by proposing robust mathematical retrieval approaches. Next, application based modifications will be investigated with new probe structures. Finally, further error minimization will be achieved by introducing classification algorithms. Developed techniques will be validated with animal experiments. The outcomes of this research will greatly contribute to the innovation of new medical devices that can be utilized for breast cancer, representing one of the most commonly diagnosed cancer type among women. The researcher is well-equipped and has the required capabilities to execute the objectives of this research. The host organization and supervisors have an extensive track record in medical device development, necessary infrastructure, network, and expertise. This research will allow the researcher to become independent by extending her network, publication/grant track record, skill sets, and more importantly, through joining an innovation oriented host organization, the researcher will gain expertise in phases that enables the research to be transformed into innovation. Finally, the goal of the proposed research, building the foundation for innovation, is also in line with ‘Future and Emerging Technologies’ call of the H2020 work program.


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Proje kapsamında 5G ve sonrası için mobil haberleşme ağlarında kullanılabilecek dalga şekli analizlerine ilişkin iş paketi yürütülmüş ve ayrıca tüm projenin koordinatörlüğü görevi üstlenilmiştir.


Meme kanseri görüntüleme


Solukta bulunan uçucu organik bileşiklerin UOB analizi birçok ciddi hastalığın örneğin diabet akciğer ve kolorektal kanseri gibi erken teşhisi için kullanıla gelen tayin metotları arasında yeralır Özellikle nefesteki aseton seviyesi ile diabet ve toluen ile akciğer kanseri arasındaki bağlantı bu hastalıkların erken evrede tanısını sağlayabilecek olması nedeniyle önemlidir Günümüzde UOB lerin tayini için yaygın olarak kullanılan gaz kromatografisi GC kütle kromatografisi MC ve kütle spektrometresi MS ve diğer sofistike teknikler enstrümanlarının büyük ve karmaşık olması operasyon işleminin zorluğu ve taşınabilir olmamaları nedeniyle analiz işlemini hem güçleştirir hem de maliyeti yükseltir Bu analizleri yapabilecek düsük maliyetli ve kullanıcı dostu cihazların geliştirilmesi önemli bir ihtiyaçtır


The use of medical imaging technology to efficiently diagnose and manage disease has never been more important. One of the most promising emerging imaging modalities is Microwave Imaging (MI), which is low-power, low-cost, non-ionising, and also microwaves have a dual diagnosis and therapeutic capability. Microwave Imaging approaches include Ultra WideBand Radar, Microwave Tomography and Time-Reversal methods, and have already been extensively studied by European researchers in the context of medical imaging.European researchers have been at the very forefront of the development of Microwave Imaging. Since many microwave-based imaging devices are currently poised for clinical trial, there is a unique opportunity for European researchers to leverage existing experience and expertise, and to streamline the transition from simulation/phantom testing to clinical trials of Microwave Imaging devices. Collaboration supported by a COST Action would help overcome existing challenges and bring Microwave Imaging from “research bench to patient bedside” in a much shorter period of time. Experience in Microwave Imaging device commercialisation will also be shared amongst COST partners.


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