High Fidelity Digital Twins for Large Scale Energy Storage Batteries, SC Fraunhofer USA Alliance
Project Type : Other (International), Project Budget : $ 460.000,00, 15 Ocak 2024
Kendi kendini onaran Si anot ve LMFP katot kullanılarak elde edilen hücrelerin deneysel ve teorik olarak çalışılması.
Sputtering 2B InSe, GaSe ve MoS2 Layered Structure on Graphened Cnt-Cotton Üzerine to Produce Composite Supercapasitor Devices
1 Ocak 2024
Superkapasitörler için Grafine edilmiş karbon nanotüp üzerine InSe, GaSe ve MoS2 püskürtülerek elde edilen malzemelerin elektrot olarak kullanılması ve testlerinin yapılmaıs.
Boosting Europe’s sustainable battery cell industrial manufacturing value chain by developing an optimized machinery with intelligent control processes to minimise costs, scrap and energy consumption (BATMACHINE)
Project Budget : € 5.645.000,00, 1 Haziran 2023
Lityum iyon batarya üretim proseslerini geliştirmek üzere, karıştırma ve kaplama cihazlarının geliştirilerek bir pilot tesiste optimizasyonların yapılması.
Building more reliable and performant batteries by embedding sensors and self healing
functionalities to detect degradation and repair damage via advanced Battery
Management System (PHOENIX )
Project Budget : € 4.490.000,00, 1 Haziran 2023
Lityum iyon pillerde meydana gelen malzeme esaslı bozunmaları sensörlerle algılayarak, kendi kendini onaran mekanizmayı çalıştıran bir sistem geliştirilmesi.
11 Ekim 2021
The MODENERLANDS Action aims to merge and systematise the efforts of the European Research and Development (R&D) groups working on Sustainable Energy and the related technologies, in particular wind and wave energy sources, by proposing pathways for incorporation and by promoting the relevant synergies in Research, Education and Training in order to enhance Sustainability in the built environment. MODENERLANDS revisits safe, smart, modular, cost-effective and socially valuable high performance sustainable Energy Islands for consideration in the plans, design and development of the future sustainable energy infrastructure. Looking forward to future development, MODENERLANDS will work with Modularised Construction of Offshore Floating Platforms aiming at easily extending their size and capacity according to future energy needs. The concept of Modular Energy Island will act as a platform to maximise collection and conversion of the renewable energy sources and efficiently transfer them to the network, exploring cutting-edge Green Hydrogen related technologies for efficient energy storage and transportation. MODENERLANDS will promote synergies that will offer breakthrough scientific developments leading to new concepts and R&D outcome and thereby contributing to the strengthening of the European research and innovation capacities on Sustainable Energy Applications along the European Green Deal lines. The proposed European Network will develop a European-based scientific and technological network with strong scientific multi-/inter-disciplinary features that will work on the exploitation of the research outcomes related to Modular Sustainable Energy Islands by integrating all related stakeholders, thereby intensifying the links among scientific and research groups and Sustainable Energy industry.
Yüksek Enerji Yoğunluklu Lityumca Zengin Batarya Hücresi Geliştirilmesi Ve Yeni Nesil Yerli Batarya Paketi Tasarimi
Project Type : TÜBİTAK Project, Project Budget : ₺ 733.611,00, 1 Ocak 2021, 15 Eylül 2023
Lityum Zengin katot aktif malzemenin sprey kurutma yöntemi ile üretilmesi, elektrot yapımı, cep hücre üretimi ve modellemesi, batarya paketinin üretimi, modellemesi ve tasarımı
Autonomous Self-Healing polymer based Components for high performant Lithium Ion Batteries
Project Budget : € 3.000.000,00, 1 Eylül 2020, 31 Ocak 2024
Lityum iyon bataryalar için kendi kendini onarabilen, anot, katot ve elektrolitlerin geliştirilmesi.
Tiyenotiyofen Ditiyenotiyofen ve Trifenilamin içeren mikropor özelllikli konjuge polimerlere dayalı kapasitör vebataryaların hazırlanması ve karakterizasyonları
Project Type : Other (National), Project Budget : ₺ 999.627,33, 11 Aralık 2019, 1 Şubat 2022
Özgün mikropor özelllikli konjuge polimerlere dayalı süperkapasitör ve organik bataryaların tasarımı
Kampüsiçi Kullanım için Elektrikli Bisiklet Tasarımı
Project Type : Research Project, Project Budget : ₺ 15.000,00, 15 Temmuz 2019, 15 Ekim 2019
Maltepe Üniversitesi’nde kullanılmak üzere, elektik motoru, batarya ve beyin entegrasyonu yapılarak elektrikli bisiklet tasarlanmasıdır.
CA15102 - Solutions for Critical Raw Materials Under Extreme Conditions (CRM-EXTREME)
24 Ocak 2019, 9 Mart 2020
The Action focuses on the substitution of CRMs (like Cr, Co, Nb, W, Y) in high value alloys and metal-matrix composites used under extreme conditions of temperature, loading, friction, wear, corrosion, in Energy, Transportation and Machinery manufacturing industries.The Action aims to set up a network of expertise to define the state of knowledge and gaps in multi-scale modelling, synthesis, characterization, engineering design and recycling, that could find viable alternatives to CRMs and promote the industrial exploitation of substituted materials.The Action envisions a fully Sustainable Value Chain approach for:Machinery manufacturing industryAlternatives for Co and W in WC/Co cemented carbide wear resistant tool materials (Hard Metals and Cutting Tools)Alternatives for chromium- and tungsten-alloyed tool steelsEnergy IndustryReduction of Cr and Y in high-strength steel alloysAlternatives for Cr and other CRMs by hard, wear and corrosion resistant surface coatingsTransportation IndustryAlternatives for Nb in high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) steel (Automotive)Alternatives for high-temperature Ni-based superalloys (Aerospace)A four-year Action oriented to strengthen collaboration between active researchers working in the different areas of investigation involving CRMs, is the most suitable initiative to seed the initial catalytic nucleus of growth for EU excellence in strategic CRMs substitution.
Hybrid Materials For Si Surface Passivation And Battery Applications
Project Type : European Union, Project Budget : ₺ 534.920,00, 1 Nisan 2017, 1 Mayıs 2019
Proje ile ilgili açıklama girilmemiştir.
İleri Teknolojili Yerli Lityum İyon Bataryanın Geliştirileceği Yeni Nesil Akıllı TelefonTasarımı
Project Type : TÜBİTAK Project, Project Budget : ₺ 3.000.000,00, 1 Ocak 2016, 17 Ağustos 2018
Proje ile ilgili açıklama girilmemiştir.
Yüksek Kapasiteli Lityum İyon Bataryalar için Silikon Bazlı Anot ve Anot Aktif Malzemesinin Üretilmesi
Project Type : Other Public Institutions (Excluding Higher Education Institutions), Project Budget : ₺ 217.238,00, 27 Ocak 2015, 27 Ağustos 2017
Lityum iyon bataryalarda kullanılmak üzere silisyum bazlı anot elektrotlar geliştirilmektedir
Çeşitli Yöntemlerle Saflaştırılan Karbon Nanotüplerin Hidrojen Deppolama Kapasitelerinin İncelenmesi
Project Type : BAP, Project Budget :
Karbon nanotüp üretimi mikrodalga sistemi ile saflaştırılması ve hidrojen depolama kapasitelerinin deneysel ölçümü
Karbon Nanotüplerin Çeşitli Yöntemlerle Saflaştırılması
Project Type : BAP, Project Budget :
Karbon nanotüp üretimi ve saflaştırılması