@inproceedings{inproceedings, author = {PANDIR BERKER,ENGİNKAYA ERKENT EBRU}, title = {Customer engagement s role over positive word-of-mouth intention: a study on smartphones sector}, year = 2018, number = 1, pages = {150-154}, month = 5, volume = 7 }
Yayın ile ilgili açıklama girilmemiştir.
@article{article, author = {PANDIR BERKER,YAŞİN BAHAR}, title = {BRAND LOVE AND CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT’xxS ROLE OVER BRAND LOYALTY}, journal = {Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics}, year = 2017, number = 4, pages = {359-365}, month = 10, volume = 4 }
@inproceedings{inproceedings, author = {PANDIR BERKER,YAŞİN BAHAR}, title = {MARKA AŞKI VE MÜŞTERİ KATILIMININ MARKA SADAKATİ ÜZERİNDEKİ ROLÜ}, year = 2017, month = 5 }