
Anadolu topraklarının kültürel miraslarından biri olan geleneksel zanaatları, Avrupa ve dünya genelinde tanıtmak için uluslararası iş birlikleri geliştirmek ve bu öğretilerin güncel tasarım uygulamalarıyla nasıl birleştirileceği konusunda örnekler oluşturarak farkındalık yaratmak.


Resimli el yazmaları ve karşılaştırmalı üslup analizi


Geleneksel sanatlar ve zanaatlerin çeşitli dallarında çalışan ve eser üreten ustaların güncel bilgilerini derleyen, basılı ve dijital olarak paylaşan bir envanter projesi. Kültür ve sanat zenginliğinin Türkiye’de ve yurt dışında tanıtımına katkı sağlaması amaçlanan projenin kitabı ve web sitesi Türkçe-İngilizce-Arapça olmak üzere üç dilde hazırlandı.


This Marie Sklodowska-Curie scheme aims at promoting international and inter-sector collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges. It also encourages knowledge sharing and bringing ideas from research to market. RISE enables international and intersectoral collaboration, based on short-term staff exchanges between organisations worldwide. “Trans-making”, as a Horizon 2020 Marie Curie RISE research and innovation programme of international cross-sectoral secondments, is a 4-year project that brings together a global network of 30 partners from academia and civic institutions (from Europe, Africa and the Americas) to design initiatives that will democratize the society through culture. As a multilateral network of research and innovation staff active in the fields of placemaking/place-based art activities as a space to create alternative narratives for social, economic and democratic renewal, it will foster exchange knowledge and to design and experiment with novel initiatives that will contribute to greater societal well-being and democratisation of the society. The specific objectives are: to investigate into and enhance place-making and place-based arts initiatives as spaces hosting alternative narratives for social, economic and democratic renewal to foster connection between art and new technologies to strengthen entrepreneurial skills of artists and creatives, and enhance their risk-taking and innovation capabilities to contribute to education and empowerment of individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds through place-basted arts initiatives. Utilising existing networks of the involved partners, the project will foster a better understanding and knowledge sharing between scientific community, stakeholders and policy-makers. ITU researchers will go on research visits in various countries throughout the 37-month duration of the project. Total fund is EUR 1 858 500, EUR 175.000 of which is allocated to ITU.


Proje 01.11.2014 ve 01.11.2016 tarihleri arasında yürütülmüş, sonuç değerlendirme raporu ilgili makamlarca 23.02.2017 tarihinde kabul edilmiştir.


Resimli El Yazmaları