
Productive Catalytic Living Materials:Combining 3d Biobased Fibrillar Membranes With Synthetic Microbial Consortia To Produce Chemicals


Electronic textiles, or e-textiles, are novel fabrics with integrated electronic functionalities to perform tasks such as sensing, computation, display and communication. Wearable health monitoring devices is a prominent application area but, given the ubiquitous nature of textiles, the list is growing with potential use in areas including aerospace and construction. With the support of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions programme, the RETEX project will support the development of sustainable electronic textiles using advanced materials with a focus on regenerated cotton. The project will prepare a new generation of researchers and innovators in sustainable electronic textiles through training, participation in international networks, cross-sectoral knowledge transfer and international mobility.


Smart Textiles made from Agriculture and Natural Waste Materials


Gözenekli Aljinat Lifi Ve Aktif Yara Örtüsü Geliştirilmesi


Kavak Liflerinin Sürdürülebilir Elektronik, Koruyucu Ve Tıbbi Tekstil Uygulamaları


UIDB - Horizon2020