@inproceedings{inproceedings, author = {ASİLHAN SEVİNÇ}, title = {EVALUATION OF SZILAGYI WATERSPOUT NOMOGRAM AND TRIANGLEDIAGRAM BY ERA-INTERIM}, year = 2017, month = 11 }
Yayın ile ilgili açıklama girilmemiştir.
@article{article, author = {ASİLHAN SEVİNÇ,ÖZDEMİR E TUNCAY,Sezen İsmail,EFE BAHTİYAR,Kumar Vinay}, title = {Devastating extreme Mediterranean cyclone's impacts in Turkey}, journal = {Natural Hazards}, year = 2017, number = 1, pages = {255-286}, month = 5, volume = 87 }
@article{article, author = {ASİLHAN SEVİNÇ}, title = {Heavy Precipitation Events in Marmara Region and connections with the North Atlantic and Arctic Oscillation Patterns}, journal = {Environment and Natural Resources Research} }