Emre Koyuncu is an Associate Professor at Istanbul Technical University, Department of Aeronautical Engineering. He has received his Ph.D. (SESAR JU) degree in Aerospace Engineering from ITU in 2015. He was a visiting researcher at Boeing Research and Technology of Europe during 2013-2014, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Aero-Astro Department during 2014-2015. His research interests lie in the broad areas of aeronautics, robotics, navigation and control theory. In particular, he focuses on the implementation of optimization-based control, reinforcement learning and probability theory for the design and analysis of high-performance cyber-physical systems. The application areas of his research include agile unmanned aerial vehicles; flight trajectory optimization and planning; airborne conflict detection and resolution; GPS-denied navigation; flight management and decision support systems; high-level autonomy in air traffic control systems; modeling and resiliency assurance in large-scale air traffic networks. Prof. Koyuncu has lead in numerous research grants and industrial projects from institutes and companies such as SESAR, BOEING, ASELSAN, HAVELSAN, TAI, TUBITAK, STM, Turkish Airlines, and IGA. Prof. Koyuncu is currently the Vice-Dean of Aerospace Institute of Istanbul Technical University, Co-PI of ITU Aerospace Research Center (ITU ARC) as the director of AI, Controls and Avionics Research Group. He is the recipient of a Boeing Early Career Grant in 2015 and SESAR JU Ph.D. Fellowship during 2012-2015. In addition to being IEEE Senior Member, he serves as a Associate Editor of IEEE Access Journal, TC member of IEEE Control Systems Society on Hybrid Systems, and TC member of AIAA Air Transportation Systems.